
Showing posts with the label family

The school in an empty department store

How one US school found a clever solution when they had to quickly find a new home. from BBC News - Family & Education

Finance delays for divorcing teachers and NHS staff as pensions recalculated

Both current and retired staff face "a severe and drastic impact" from the delays, say solicitors. from BBC News - Family & Education

A-levels and GCSEs: Covid support in place as exams begin

Exams are getting under way for most students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. from BBC News - Family & Education

Early years sector joins call for Ofsted changes

Inspections are increasingly seen as "something to dread", the Early Years Alliance charity says. from BBC News - Family & Education

School set to take Ofsted to court over inspection

The head teacher of the Cambridge primary school says she was left feeling suicidal after Ofsted's visit. from BBC News - Family & Education

Rushed T-level plans may hold teens back – report

MPs say funding for courses such as BTecs should not be withdrawn before new T-levels are ready. from BBC News - Family & Education

Laura Kuenssberg: What is really going on in our schools?

After years of talking about the NHS, there's a new political focus on education, says Laura Kuenssberg. from BBC News - Family & Education

Welsh schools to get guidance on supporting transgender pupils

The Welsh government says the guidance will provide "clear and well-informed advice". from BBC News - Family & Education

Ofsted promises changes after headteacher Ruth Perry's death

The watchdog says it will "continue to listen", but Ruth Perry's sister urges pause in inspections. from BBC News - Family & Education

Indian history debate after Mughals chapter dropped

A chapter on the workings of Mughal courts has been deleted from high school textbooks from BBC News - Family & Education

Ruth Perry: Schools cut Ofsted references in tribute

Head teachers take action "in solidarity" with Ruth Parry, who killed herself after an inspection. from BBC News - Family & Education

Free childcare: Is Jeremy Hunt's Budget promise feasible?

The government announced an expansion of free childcare in the Budget - but will it actually work? from BBC News - Family & Education

Homeless children: Living with trauma, tears and tiredness

Homeless children speak about life in cramped temporary accommodation, and the fear of constant moving. from BBC News - Family & Education

Childcare: Full-time nursery for under-twos nearly £15k a year, says report

Costs rise by 5.9% in a year in Great Britain while availability drops, a report finds. from BBC News - Family & Education

Student finance: Remote learners left out of lifelong loan plans

New loans and maintenance support for technical courses are part of the overhaul in England. from BBC News - Family & Education

Secondary school places: When do parents find out?

Councils will soon be offering secondary school places to children in England and Wales. from BBC News - Family & Education

Pupil absences remain above pre-Covid levels

A quarter of children in England were persistently absent last term, up from 13.1% in autumn 2019. from BBC News - Family & Education

Grammar schools still failing to boost number of poorer pupils

Most have tried to improve their admissions policies but the impact is patchy, BBC analysis finds. from BBC News - Family & Education

Grammar schools still failing to boost number of poorer pupils

Most have tried to improve their admissions policies but the impact is patchy, BBC analysis finds. from BBC News - Family & Education

Ambulance waits putting disabled children's lives at risk, doctors warn

Severely disabled children, who rely on emergency care, are being put at risk, doctors warn. from BBC News - Family & Education